Great Expectations (Let The Rumpus Begin)

September 24, 2009

wild thingsMaybe it’s been the events of the past week, or work, or the rain (I swear it’s been raining since August), but there’s been a dearth of nonsensical thoughts and/or whimsical mayhem in my head.

But, I have become certifiably and irrevocably stoked at the upcoming release of Where The Wild Things Are.

The trailers look amazing and the imagery and choice of music – Arcade Fire’s Wake Up – is pretty powerful. It’s caused Paloma to get a bit teary and it’s affected me, too. Based on the online chatter, it seems we’re not alone in our reaction.

Maybe it’s the vibe of those clips and the palpable undercurrent of childhood lost that resonates so much. Maybe it taps into some desire to sail away to a land of fantastic creatures.

Maybe it’s the fact that we’re part of a generation who were children when the book was just beginning to be recognized as a classic and – for many of us – the book is among our earliest memories.

There were numerous trips to the library as a very small child that ended with me poring over those pages, utterly mesmerized by the iconic artwork and spellbound by Max’ adventure.

Quite simply, I find myself invested in this movie like few I’ve known in my lifetime. It’s one of those situations where I find myself so hoping that it will brilliant and instill in me the same sense of wonder and awe that the book did when I was four.

I’m aware that I might be creating unrealistic expectations, but, based on what I’ve seen so far, I’m thinking that director Spike Jonze just might pull it off.

If so, I can’t wait for the rumpus to begin.

Arcade Fire – Wake Up
from Funeral

Arcade Fire – Wake Up
from Where The Wild Things Are trailer

There’s been a lot of hulabaloo over Arcade Fire for some time, but I was left underwhelmed at the few songs I had heard. Not Wake Up, though. Maybe it’s because it is now and forever connected to me through its use in the movie’s trailer.

Its use in the trailer is inspired (I’d say perfect), fusing together poignantly with the visuals and snatches of dialogue.

There’s something about the dynamics of the song that remind me of Smashing Pumpkins and, like the Pumpkins, the song has an epic scope. It’s towering and majestic and sounds as if it was written specifically for the movie.